D Rocket Design Tactical Wharncliff Zulu

Sale price$219.00
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D Rocket Design Tactical Wharncliff Zulu

The Zulu Spear is sleek, simple.  A contemporary remake of one of DRD's staple items. It is a no-nonsense and elegant semi-custom MidTech. 

It is a no-nonsense and elegant semi-custom MidTech.  The Blade is M390 steel in the form of a Zulu spear – a blade that screams tactical and combat but with clean elegant lines of pure harmony.  The handle is a heavy-duty yellow Ultem Top, Aluminum, a heavy Aluminum Bronze bottom combination. Weight comes in at 1.4oz. The OAL is 6.8 inches.  .30 Thick.  ROCKET ON BLADE.